How can we help you?
craftworks GmbH
Schottenfeldgasse 20/6a
1070 Vienna
Whether you're looking to learn about a specific solution or want to stay up-to-date on AI news and know-how, we've got you covered! We make artificial intelligence easy to grasp. Explore our blogs, success stories, and behind the scenes insights to dive deeper into the world of AI.
Success Stories
CAPRO (Capture Production Data) optimizes vertical band saws with real-time data capture and SAP integration.
Success Stories
Ensured durability and product quality through anomaly detection.
Success Stories
A use case for the efficient use of sensor data with a scalable optimization potential.
Success Stories
We created an AI based controlling software for a multinational performance coatings producer.
Success Stories
An EU research project to process data and error codes from robots in spot welding application.
Success Stories
By analyzing optimal operating parameters, improve efficiency through artificial intelligence.
Success Stories
Predicting gearbox failures for cost efficient processes and lower emissions.
Success Stories
Accurate predictions between seven days and one month in advance.
Success Stories
Predict the yield of wheat grain fields through sample images on the ground, two weeks before harvest.
Success Stories
Our innovation enhances Miba's capacity control, streamlining operations, and optimizing resource utilization.
Success Stories
Sensor-based automatic location, movement and state detection of concrete frameworks on building sites.
Success Stories
Optimize ETA precision with AI solutions in manufacturing, ensuring timely deliveries and streamlined operations.
Success Stories
Through the use of Neural Networks, the reliability, and speed of Acoustic Emissions Testing was increased.
Success Stories
A software tool for efficient information-based planning, capacity control, and storage management.
Success Stories
Digitizing machine data with an automated service management platform.
Success Stories
The data-driven guarantee for a high quality product portfolio.