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craftworks GmbH
Schottenfeldgasse 20/6a
1070 Vienna
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At craftworks, you are somehow inspired to focus. But why is that, and how can you enhance focus?
Behind the Scenes
reading time: 3 min
Still too abstract? To understand anything in this world – in our case the concept of concentration – it is best to compare it with its opposite. In this case, the opposite of focus is distraction.
Distraction comes in many forms: a really noisy fly or a thought of something you did 5 years ago. It can be something external or something in your head. Focus, on the other hand, occurs first in your mind. If there are no distractions, you’re in a focused state of mind. Easier said than done. It’s almost inevitable not to have distractions. In my defense, when I had to sit down and concentrate a little more for a longer period of time, I put my headphones on, and I switched off my notifications. I really had to clear my mind and start with a clean slate. That‘s how my brain works – at least I think so.
One important thing when it comes to focus and staying focused is to always keep the bigger picture, the goal or the purpose of the task at hand in mind.
At craftworks we have so many people who are excellent at being focused and there’s a lot you can actually learn from them.
I think the best way to focus is to practice it. Thankfully, craftworks is a space for me where I am able to practice and learn without getting in the way of anyone, well – except in my own. Sometimes, thought can get the better of you.
But I’ll tell you this much: our capacity to focus stems from the accumulation of knowledge, enthusiasm and dedication. That‘s how we understand and live it out through our work here every day.