Behind the Scenes

reading time: 2 min


Marlene Mayr, Behind the Scenes at craftworks

Without any expectations I arrived at the craftworks office. A little bit nervous and yet excited I rang the bell. As soon as someone opened the door with a warming and welcoming smile, all the nervosity was gone. The friendly welcome followed a tour through the office. Each room I entered, more and more friendly faces greeted me.

Then we stopped at the coffee machine, one special highlight of the craftworks office. People were gathering here to have quality time with their colleagues or probably the more appropriate term – their friends.

Astonished by all the positive impressions, my buddy showed me the way to the place I would sit. As I arrived at it, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I saw lovely and colorful decorations all over it. Some sweets, streamers and confetti, my own craftworks pullovers and shirt and the first edition of the company book was lying there. Surprised and feeling lucky to be here, I opened my notebook and had a first look on Slack. Of course, some more adorable welcome greetings awaited me there.

Simply said: Every single person at craftworks gave me the feeling of being part since day one.


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