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craftworks GmbH
Schottenfeldgasse 20/6a
1070 Vienna
The value of a great
work culture.
I feel like the desire to make this a great place to work at is very deeply ingrained here and the results show.
Behind the Scenes
reading time: 2 min
At the end of last year I found myself in a position where I wanted a change in scenery to tackle some new and exciting challenges.
As developers we are in a blessed situation that usually we have a wide array of opportunities to choose from. We get calls from headhunting agencies, messages on LinkedIn from recruiters with the goal to bring us on their team.
But what makes a company great to work at? For me:
Many companies will claim to provide the environment you are seeking. I knew I wanted to find a company where those values are not just empty words to decorate their homepage but actually part of the lived culture.
I reached out to my friends and friends of friends to see if anybody had experience with a company that fit my idea of values and culture. Talking to them I got not just one but two separate recommendations for craftworks. And today I am happy to see that at craftworks these claims are actually backed up!
I am very happy to have found such a great fit and am looking forward to growing together with this company.