Behind the Scenes

reading time: 2 min


Flavia Cristian Behind the scenes

My father used to say that freedom is priceless. You can live with fewer things, but you cannot live with less of yourself.

I took that to heart and left well paying jobs that constrained me, nodded respectfully to bosses, while planning my exit. I looked at the clock, constantly counting the hours until I can be my normal self again. Shortly put – inauthenticity kills my spirit.

It was one of those days, when I stumbled upon craftworks. I checked the website, their social media, google searched them, looked at their numbers and read the company directory. (I know, I know my second calling, besides Digital Marketing, could have been investigating or serial stalking!) I was careful. Afraid to get my hopes up, give my all and then be disappointed. But then... craftworks was starting to win me over.

The people, their mindset, but most importantly, the freedom everybody had to be their authentic selves. The way, everybody was onboard on the same boat. Wait a damn minute… was I falling in love?!

Many companies struggle to find their identity, but with us, our identity comes from within, from each and every one of us. I think most people want to find meaning in their work, we all want to feel like we have “arrived”.

Well, today, I have arrived, and I hope to keep arriving tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and always.


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