Behind the Scenes

reading time: 3 min

Philipp Pausakerl

Philipp Pausakerl, Data Engineer craftworks

Coming from a rather traditional workplace setting, my natural expectation when joining craftworks was that I will end up in either a terribly noisy office or a very quiet space. If allowed to choose, I personally prefer the latter. That’s because, like most people, I am by no means a so-called “supertasker” and therefore need to focus on one challenge at a time if I want to get something done. On the other hand, a really quiet office can make it difficult to bond with colleagues, might hinder spontaneous collaboration or even alienate some people.

When I first learned about the silent desk policy (carried out during core working hours or “Kernarbeitszeit”) I was feeling ambivalent. Although it took me some time, I can now appreciate the atmosphere on and around my desk.

Whilst, the policy enables me to work according to my preferred micro time management strategy – the Pomodoro Technique. I really recommend it because it is an easy recipe for success.

The Pomodoro (which means tomato in Italian) technique was named after a kitchen clock in the shape of a tomato. The method by Francesco Cirillo is based on the idea that frequent breaks can improve agility.

This is how it works: Step one, pick a task. Step two, set a 25-minute timer, then work on your task until the time is up. When your session ends, mark off one pomodoro and record what you completed. Then, take a well deserved 5-minute break and repeat. After 4 work sessions or pomodoros, it is recommended to take a longer 15-20 minute break. This is a great way to break down complex projects while also grouping small tasks into one pomodoro.

Having those indivisible units of time without checking incoming emails, Slack messages, or other tools, really helps you make the most out of those 25 minute spans.

With that focus-time at craftworks I don’t need noise-canceling headphones anymore and, in combination with other key aspects, our workplace culture creates a very social and lively environment.

Those aspects include our well-equipped meeting rooms, the spacious terrace, well defined knowledge sharing opportunities and discussion formats, and, most importantly, approachable, bright and open-minded colleagues.


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