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1070 Vienna
Meet The Team:
Interview with Ciaran Baselmans and Elisabeth Ettinger
Explore Ciaran & Elisabeth's tech journey and personal stories at craftworks, more about their passion and expertise.
reading time: 5 min
Marija Mijic
My position is a backend developer, I am mainly working in Java.
I was looking for an environment where people enjoy going to work and where everyone is striving to do an excellent job. I have the impression that craftworks is such an environment. On top of that it gives me the opportunity to improve myself not only in the area of UX design, but also in frontend engineering. Therefore, I applied. I am now working as a designer and engineer and I am enjoying the variety these two positions bring.
I like that there is a real sense of togetherness, after like a week you know how things are working at craftworks and also you get to know the people very fast because everyone is open-minded.
I am learning how to include the User-Centered Design Process in an agile process framework like Scrum. I didn’t have experience with this before and as the teams at craftworks are working in agile ways, it is important that my design work fits into this work style.
Tischkick shouldn’t be missing.
To be aware of my goals and working hard to achieve them. I am also very dedicated to my work and enjoy doing it. Without these personality traits, I wouldn’t have this job and my Masters degree in the first place.
I studied Computer Science Bachelor in Ireland at the Institute of Technology in Dublin. After that, I moved to the Netherlands, where I gained most of my work experience working in the FinTech industry.
I am actually traveling a lot. To be honest I spend a lot of money on travel. If I want to relax and turn my head off I spontaneously take a trip somewhere.
Before I started working at craftworks I was in Kenia for two months, where I worked for an organization where we helped build houses for orphans and feed the local children before school.
Right now I am reading “Siddharta” from Hermann Hesse. It is about a young, quite spiritual man who is looking for the meaning of life.
I didn’t have any problems to be honest, because my girlfriend is from here and she introduced me to Vienna from a local perspective. One thing that is a bit difficult is the language, but as it is similar to Dutch it helps me a lot. I really like the Augarten Park, where I often take a walk.
I meet up with friends or family. Sports also helps me, like hiking or climbing.
Ciaran, what is your favorite meal? Lasagna and Sushi.
Which season is your favorite? Summer.
What fictional place would you most like to visit? Hogwarts.
Elisabeth, what places would you suggest a tourist to visit in Vienna? Inner town, its parks, donaukanal maybe also a wine hiking route.
Are you a coffee person or tea person? Coffee.
If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? Being a magician.
Thank you, Elisabeth and Ciaran!
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