
reading time: 2 min

Marija Mijic

Marija Mijic, HR & Office Allrounder craftworks

Let’s start with how you landed at craftworks?

Well actually while looking for my first job, I went through the websites of many companies listed on the AI Landscape Austria and craftworks immediately captured my attention because of the interesting use cases and the awesome culture and atmosphere. Eventually, I applied and I’m very happy to be part of the team now.

What energizes you at work?

I would say that in the last couple of days I kind of fell in love with the Club Mate drink. It really helps to overcome the sleepiness after lunch.

Could you describe craftworks in 3 words?

Enthusiastic, dedicated and open-minded.

Which craftworks value is most important to you and why?

Lifelong learning, especially as a data scientist you have to keep up with recent developments since the field is constantly evolving.

Could you tell us more about your position at craftworks and what you enjoy the most?

I’m here as a data scientist and I really enjoy the strong knowledge regarding data science and machine learning at craftworks and also the way we exchange ideas and constantly try to improve each other.

How do you keep developing your professional skills?

Apart from work, it's mainly reading books, Kaggle and browsing various online resources.

What's the best advice you were ever given?

As I personally tend to overthink, it is probably to stop worrying about things you simply cannot change.

Apart from work, what do you do with your time off?

Well I enjoy playing soccer, being outdoors, doing workouts and having a beer or two with friends.

As you did your master thesis at Universität Wien, could you tell us what it was about?

It was about variational autoencoders with structured missingness. The Idea was to incorporate prior knowledge about missing values into variational autoencoders. For instance, in an electronic health records data-set you might have missing values because some diagnostic tests were not executed for some patients but at the same time you might have a presumption of what those values approximately look like.

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

Honest, supportive and unfortunately hard to contact.

Only 3 short questions left:

Mac or PC? PC.

Coffee or tea? Tea.

If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? Mind control, only used for positive things.

Thank you, Michael!

Thank you for reading our interviews!


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