
reading time: 3 min

Marija Mijic

Marija Mijic, HR & Office Allrounder craftworks

What did you do before craftworks?

Mostly studying, the year before starting at craftworks I started my masters at TU Wien (MSc Software Engineering und Internet Computing). That was the time I actually came to Vienna, prior to that I was living and studying in Karlsruhe, Germany. There I was also tutoring in the framework of technical informatics studies.

What prompted you to apply for this job? What about this position interested you the most?

So I noticed that I have a decent amount of free time and started to look for opportunities in Vienna to start my career. I found craftworks' job description, for a position that wasn't exactly matching my skills but this was the first time I noticed the company and after a short browse on the companies website and seeing lots of interesting stuff, I decided to apply as a talent. I was looking for a smaller company with a good culture. So I was really happy that I had the opportunity to still apply and get matched to the right position.

What energises you at work?

I like when stuff is being done, and when something is completed. When someone gives me a task I don't want to let them down and try my best to accomplish it. I also really enjoy learning new stuff (not only work related).

How do you prefer to start your day?

I don't have a morning routine and I also don't eat breakfast. The most important thing for me is to brush my teeth and then I am ready to go.

Could you tell us what about your position at craftworks you enjoy the most?

At the moment, since it is my second week here, the thing I like most is that there is some kind of trust in the employees and that you can feel it. Everyone is also really serious about their job but at the same time really friendly.

How do you go about continuing to develop your professional skills and knowledge?

So currently I'm still studying, which helps with learning new stuff. Outside of uni when I have time I like to do some small projects and I also read blog posts or watch streams.

What's the best advice you were ever given?

One of the best ones is in my native language but it translates to something like: Mistakes are not fixed with mistakes.

Could you tell us more about yourself? For example: what are your hobbies and where do you like to spend your time most?

You can say that I'm kind of a flexible person, I like many different things. I like to play chess or other games in general and I really enjoy watching F1. From time to time I also like to take part in competitive programming. I am mostly an indoor person but I enjoy going into the nature from time to time.

Can you give any advice to students on how to combine studies and work?

Speaking from the experience I now have after two weeks, I would say that probably not working full time and letting people know about your study schedule is the best tip. Also when you start working and studying try to have a few less courses the current semester and see how it is working out for you.

What are you reading at present?

Im reading a book of the Stormlight Archive called Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson. With this book I'm giving epic Fantasy a try. Normally I am reading more boring stuff. The last book I finished was The Thibaults (which is a french classical romance novel).

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

Open, unpretentious, friendly.

Only 3 short questions left:

Tell me one place you always wanted to travel to? Somewhere outside of Europe, preferably Asia like Singapore, Korea or Baku.

What's your favorite meal? Lasagna.

If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? To be able to fly.

Thank you, Nikola!

Thank you for reading our interviews!


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