
reading time: 2 min

Marija Mijic

Marija Mijic, HR & Office Allrounder craftworks

Yavor, what led you to this career (to craftworks) and did your expectations about craftworks come true?

I was not satisfied with what I previously worked, and I started to look for something new. I have known Boian for some years and asked him about the company he works for. Then I looked up the website and found out that they had an open position, suitable for me. I only started a few weeks ago, but I can already see the difference to other employers and tell that craftworks meet my expectations. I hope that I meet their expectations too.

Could you tell us more about your position at craftworks and what you enjoy the most?

I’m a Linux system administrator and I mostly enjoy working on the infrastructure.

What difference do you notice compared to your previous employment?

Firstly, the team here is much smaller, my previous employer had many thousands of employees all over the world. However, I feel like smaller companies are more suitable for me. Secondly, the whole team is like one happy family, which I appreciate a lot.

Could you describe craftworks in 3 words?

Family, cohesive and exciting.

How do you keep developing your professional skills?

Currently, I'm doing my masters. Besides studying, I also like to try and experiment with different and new technologies when I have spare time.

Who or what has influenced you most when it comes to how you approach your work?

The feedback from the people I work with.

Can you give any advice to students on how to combine studies and work?

Don’t work when you have to study, and don’t study when you have to work.

What movie have you seen recently, and would you recommend watching it?

I am a big marvel fanboy and the last movie I watched was “Spider-Man” and I will definitely recommend it.

What’s one thing you’re learning now, and why is it important to you?

To be a father. I want to be a good father.

Only 4 short questions left:

If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? Flying.

Tell me one place you always wanted to travel to? America, I want to try all the (fast)food there.

Mac or PC? Both.

Coffee or tea? Tea.

Thank you, Yavor!

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