Success Story

reading time: 3 min


Material Industries

Predictive Quality

Industrial Software


Our client, a reputable certification body, functions as an autonomous entity specializing in testing and certification services. A certification from our client is crucial for many industrial applications and is seen as evidence of high quality and reliability. As such, tests must be conducted with a high degree of accuracy and reliability. Our customer used acoustic emissions testing to certify high pressure tank safety. They wanted to automate the analysis and safety process using Machine Learning.


The analysis was conducted through expert evaluation, a process that was both time-consuming and susceptible to errors. Furthermore, the customer faced uncertainty regarding the implementation of a Machine Learning solution to address this issue. Specifically within the realm of Machine Learning, the focus was on identifying the key factors essential for assessing tank integrity and suitability.


We proposed to utilize machine learning to autonomously evaluate the results of acoustic testing, allowing for efficient and accurate analysis.


A collection of Neural Networks was employed to analyze the data, developed using Python and Keras. Additionally, a web application was designed to facilitate the upload of test data and metadata, incorporating authentication features and providing a synopsis of the machine learning model outcomes.

The model interacted through an inference pipeline and a REST Endpoint, enabling seamless engagement.

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