Success Story

reading time: 3 min

Mechanical Engineering

Material Industries

Anomaly Detection

Industrial Software


Our customer created a sensor that can be attached to concrete frameworks to monitor the construction process. The device includes an accelerometer and an additional sensor to measure the curation of the concrete. craftworks was assigned with the task to make the sensor data useful and give full insight in the progress of building works and the current state of the building site.


To detect characteristic stages during the construction process, based on the accelerometer data of the devices, which are applied to the frameworks. Upon detection, our client needed answers for a series of questions: Is a framework being lifted by a crane? Is its position horizontal or vertical? Are there workers on the framework? Have parts been attached to the framework?


Our task was to collect accelerometer data on-site, log all the significant stages through labelling and train a machine learning model to automatically detect the stages.


We developed the code in Python, then ported the machine learning model to C code in order to run it on the microcontroller of the customer's device. We also used Pandas and Scikit-learn. For labelling, we used our efficient in-house build annotation tool, which has self-learning capabilities.

craftworks' innovative solution, integrating the customer's sensor data, automates concrete framework monitoring with 80% accuracy. Our approach enhances project management, optimizing building sites efficiency.

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three male team members of craftworks at a meeting table looking at laptops and working

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